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Dua for Patience – Practice it To Control Your Behavior

Patience is a skill that must be continuously practiced to become proficient. Your ability to use patience will be the key to your success in both this world and the next. Its absence will be disastrous. In this article, we’ll go through the sincere dua for patience and exercising patience that you can learn directly from the Quran.

Dua for Patience from The Holy Quran

To get help from Allah Almighty, one should persistently and patiently appeal when facing any loss. Allah is with people who have patience, even while they are going through hardship and suffering.

Allah Almighty states in Surah Al-Baqarah verses 155–156

 And We will test you with something of terror and hunger and a loss of money and life and fruits, but We will provide good news to the patient, for they are those whom their Lord bestows blessings and mercy upon. And those are the ones who are properly guided.

Moreover, in the verse of Surah An-Nahl, Ayat 126-127 Allah instructs the Prophet (PBUH) on the virtues of patience, mercy, and how to handle tension.

“And if you damage an adversary, [O believers], harm them in proportion to how you were hurt. But if you have patience, everything will work out better for you. Be patient, [O Muhammad], and remember that Allah alone is the source of your endurance. And don’t be sad about them or worried about what they’re planning”.

This verse reinforces the notion that “Resentment and wrath are like swallowing poison and expecting the other person to die.”

Allah declares, “It is preferable to be patient.”

Imam Ali (RA) said, “Even if success might not come quickly, someone who practices patience will never be denied it.”

The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) is further related by Imam Ali as having said that “patience” (exactly translated as “perseverance” or “persistence”) comes in three different forms: during times of affliction, regarding obedience, and regard to disobedience (of Allah). Additionally, the third sort is better than the previous two kinds.

Final Thought on Dua for Patience

In sum, we know that Allah predetermines everything that occurs in this life, and we have no control over it. Nevertheless, we can overcome our obstacles by exercising patience.

So, we must learn dua for patience to tackle complicated movements in our life. Unfortunately, aggressive behavior has become common in our society. We hope the above dua will help you to handle any panic situation.

Also, learn dua for Palestine.

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